Re-run any command on file changes

Re-run any command on file changes

A nodemon alternative for any command, language or tool. Use it to automate your development flow.
VSCode + Markdown as a blogging platform

VSCode + Markdown as a blogging platform

How to use Visual Studio code and markdown to have a safer and powerful blogging platform.

How to free up disk space used by Docker?

Docker is using a lot of space inside the /var/lib/docker directory? This is how you can reclaim most of this space and have you computer sane again! Cleaning Docker volumes, containers and even images is something you must do from time to time.

Super detailed animation on how a Black Hawk Helicopter works!

Black Hawk helicopters are an amazing piece of engineering! They can be used as weapons of as rescue equipment. This animation explains how it works.
How to recover a MySQL or Percona database backup

How to recover a MySQL or Percona database backup

Restore MySQL or Percona database backup from dump .sql files on Linux. The step by step described in this post worked for a docker-compose based installation of Percona MySQL using mapped directories for the /var/lib/mysql directory.

WordPress Backwpup to S3 and AWS permissions

What are the minimum necessary permissions for the Backwpup plugin when uploading WordPress backups to AWS S3? How to restrict the key to specific buckets and source IP’s?
(RESOLVED) Can not authenticate to IMAP server: [ALERT] Please log in via your web browser

(RESOLVED) Can not authenticate to IMAP server: [ALERT] Please log in via your web browser

Fix OsTicket Gmail POP and IMAP configuration when you try to add an email account and get the error message: Can not authenticate to IMAP server: [ALERT] Please log in via your web browser: Yes, it is truncated like this.

How to find out the hosts in the known_hosts file? Even if encoded!

When you try to do a SSH connection to a host, you can have you connection denied due to differences in the public ssh key you want to use and the one stored in the ~/....